Do you want to know what foods you should eat from your fourth decade onward? Once you reach 40, your body changes the way it copes with the food you eat. Therefore, you should watch your diet to preserve your youthful health. You should eat foods that are rich in nutrients and are beneficial to your health and well-being. With that in mind, we have collected 15 of the best superfoods for people over 40; including some that are highly underrated and neglected. Besides increasing your energy and vitality, these superfoods will check your cholesterol and blood pressure and may help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases that come with age. Some of the foods in this list will also keep weight gain and joint pain at bay; so keep on reading to learn more.
Oily Fish

Oily Fish –
Researchers have observed that people who regularly eat oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, have fewer than average heart attacks and strokes. Besides vitamin D and proteins, oily fish are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to your health. Dietitians recommend eating at least two portions of fish a week.

Broccoli –
Broccoli is a good source of fibre, folate, vitamin C and A, and calcium. It can help in numerous functions of the body and it’s also attributed to a reduction in cholesterol levels. Moreover, evidence on cancer prevention by the World Cancer Research Fund shows that some of the compounds in non-starch vegetables like Broccoli may improve the body’s ability to impede the growth of cancer cells.

Handful of Blueberries –
If you’re not already, include blueberries in one of your portions of fruit and vegetables. These cute little fruits are low in calories and high in nutrients, such as vitamin K and C, fibre, and antioxidants. Studies have found that eating blueberries may help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as improve your memory.

kales –
Kale packs a powerful nutritional punch. The “queen of greens” is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat. It’s a great source of iron, calcium and vitamins K and C. Kale is also filled with alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), an antioxidant research has linked to reduced risk of diabetes and stroke.
Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes –
The sweet potato is one of the world’s healthiest foods, and it should definitely be on your diet. It has shown to have antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar-regulating nutrients. This makes it useful in the fight against diseases like diabetes and cancer.

soy –
Soy is an inexpensive source of plant-based proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. It offers tremendous health benefits. Researchers have found soy to be helpful in preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. Soy is cholesterol free, and it’s also helpful to women with menopausal and menstrual symptoms.

tomatoes –
Tomatoes are known to be rich in antioxidants and vitamins A,C and E, and are easy to incorporate into your diet. The lycopene found in tomatoes is helpful in preventing many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Whole Grains

whole grains –
Whole grains, such as oatmeal, brown rice, barley and millet, are wonderful options for a healthy diet. They’re a good source of nutrients like fiber, minerals and B vitamins. Whole grains can help regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and control weight.

Turmeric –
Turmeric has many health benefits, which makes it a great dietary choice for people over 40. Research has shown this powerful spice to have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and cholesterol lowering effects. Additionally, turmeric is helpful to those with depression and low mood.

Almonds nutrition –
Rich with protein and fiber, almonds are a healthy way to satisfy those cravings and boost energy between meals. Studies suggest these diet-friendly nuts are beneficial for the heart, and they also help with weight loss and lowering of blood pressure.

Avocadoweb –
Avocado is a wonderful superfood packed with fiber, folate, potassium, vitamin E and magnesium. The buttery green fruit is nutritious with some powerful health benefits. Studies have found the delicious, healthy monounsaturated fat in avocados to be helpful in lowering cholesterol.

Cherries –
Cherries are filled with powerful antioxidants that give them anti-inflammatory properties. They are a good source of vitamin C and fiber, and they can also prevent muscle damage. And according to researchers at the University of Michigan, cherries may also have a positive effect on heart health.

Spinach –
With antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and vitamins, spinach is a powerful superfood you should add to your diet. Besides the vitamins that promote vision and bone health, studies suggest some compounds in spinach may help prevent the development of tumors and inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

beans –
Beans are one of the most underrated and neglected superfoods. But are you aware of the myriad of health benefits they offer. Regular consumption of beans can help lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar and help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, among other numerous benefits.

Carrots –
Carrots are filled with nutrients and phytochemicals that offer a myriad of health benefits. Besides improving your vision, eating carrots regularly can help fight off certain cancers. For maximum benefits, dietitians recommend organically grown carrots since conventionally grown carrots may be contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals.