These five kinds of food will give you the worst smell



you have tried various deodorants and soaps to control your body odor, but you still have an unpleasant smell. Maybe it's time to take a good look at what's in your fridge in order to find out what's wrong with you. It may sound strange that a meal can not only make your breath smell bad; in fact, some foods can also change your fragrance. From the spices that make you sweat to the vegetables that fuel you, these wonderful foods can be the culprit for your stink.

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1. Cruciferous vegetables may be good for your stomach, but not for your body. Foods like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower release foul sulfur, which can enter your sweat glands and cause body odor. In addition, it will give you a bad smell.

"these vegetables are double trouble for body odor," confirmed nutritionist Shauna Wilkinson. Not only are they rich in sulfur and broken down into mercaptans (a colorless gas with an unpleasant smell), they also contain a fiber called raffinose. This fiber does not break down in the gut and serves as a source of food for feces and beneficial bacteria. Malodorous gas produced by bacterial fermentation.

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2. Red meat

choosing vegetarianism may have an amazing effect on your body taste. A 2006 study published in the journal chemical senses found that men who don't eat meat smell much more comfortable than those who indulge in red meat. Women have to rate the attractiveness of sweat samples, and no sweat is the overwhelming winner. The possible reason behind this is that red meat is more difficult to digest. Residue left in the digestive tract, which eventually leads to the odor and Toxins Secreted by sweat.


span> span> yulk3ice / iStock / gettyignon / span> H3> 3. Fenugreek has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including lowering blood sugar and lipids. Unfortunately, these benefits can come at a high price. The fragrant seeds and leaves of this plant are often used for cooking and medicine. It has a certain odor, which is often compared to the odor of maple syrup.

"because sotorone, the ingredient that causes this odor, passes through the body unchanged, it is eliminated in sweat and urine," Wilkinson explained. In fact, sotoron is also found in maple and aged rum. "The only way to get rid of the smell is to stop taking fenugreek," Wilkinson said. When you think about a healthy diet, fish is usually one of the first foods to think about, because of all these heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But when it comes to body taste, some people have to avoid seafood. Wilkinson explained that seafood and several other foods rich in essential vitamin choline, such as milk, eggs, beans, chocolate and peanuts, may be very problematic for some unfortunate souls with trimethylamine urinary syndrome (tmau). " "This syndrome occurs in people who are genetically unable to break down choline, leading to a strong fishy smell," nutritionists explained. In order to treat it, they must avoid all these foods. Coffee really stinks: your favorite morning coffee can not only make you smell your breath, but also make your armpit smell. Studies have shown that caffeine in coffee can activate your sweat glands, leading to excessive sweating, which leads to body odor. Switching to decaffeinated coffee or less caffeinated tea can help you sweat. If cutting down on caffeine doesn't cut down on your smell, it's probably your only option.

Credit: Clark photo

What do you think? Are you smelly? Have you ever tried to reduce it by changing your diet? Please let us know in the comments below!



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