Best advice for running with a dog



the best friends of men (and women) can also be excellent running partners! A 2012 study in the annals of behavioral medicine showed that exercising with friends can strengthen commitment and improve aerobic performance. So, why not bring that furry friend who welcomes you happily at the door every day to give you unconditional dedication and support? When your dog is your running partner, you can forget to avoid training: just seeing its wobbly tail will be all you need to fasten your running shoes. But before you two get on the right track, take a moment to think about how to prepare and keep safe.

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1. Before you run with your dog, talk to your veterinarian and make an appointment with your veterinarian to make sure the spot can meet the challenge. "If your dog is old, you want to make sure it runs comfortably and safely," said Rachel Baroque, a veterinarian at the New York Animal Acupuncture Center. Older dogs need more time to rest and recover, "at the other extreme, make sure your dog is not too small." Baroque explained: "dogs should reach skeletal maturity before exercising vigorously. Because different breeds of dogs mature at different times, a veterinarian may take an X-ray of your dog before surgery to make sure the growth plate is closed.

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2. Check if your dog's breed

has your dog been bred as a runner? Alyona delacoeur, founder of why does my dog, said that some breeds - such as herding, sports and hounds - tend to have great strength and endurance, while others - such as toy breeds or Corgi with short legs - may not keep up. And consider potential health problems. " Larger varieties may be prone to hip dysplasia and arthritis, "she said. Jeffrey levy, a veterinarian at New York City's internal veterinary company, said the dog's knees will get smaller and the dog with a long back will have back problems. Flat faced dogs, including Bulldogs, pugs and Beijing dogs, have no vital capacity to run at all. "

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" I strongly recommend not to break off the leash, "said veterinarian Rachel Ballack. Even the most trained dogs are distracted and in danger. "Before running together, make sure that your dog is trained to pull ropes and follow basic language commands." "Any kind of basic belt doesn't fall off and is probably suitable for running," barrack said. Although I don't recommend using retractable belts when running, they can make the distance between you and your dog too large. " And a leash is better than a collar (as long as it's not a leash that doesn't pull), which can hurt the dog's throat or neck.

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IV. Invest in some new gear. Although you can run without any expensive equipment, sometimes some basic gear can make running more enjoyable. Gillian Ridgeway, a nutram OTC pet health expert, said: 'be sure to bring water to both of you and a foldable plate to keep your dog hydrated. The purse can hold a toilet bag, key, telephone and first aid kit so that you can be ready for an injury. If you're running in the evening or at night, provide a reflective or LED device to help others see you. " "These products can not only help your dog to be seen by the car, but also the flash is known as Coyote deterrence," said Lauren Holtz, business development coordinator of yuppie dog city Kitty. "Related:

runner's best equipment and accessories,

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5. Look at the weather before you go out. If it's too cold, too hot or too wet, don't take the dog. Veterinarian Jeffrey levy says your dog is closer to the sidewalk and if it's hot, it can overheat or burn its paws. Some dogs even get sunburn. However, most body sunscreens are not safe for dogs. Instead, if your dog is light colored, hairless (or almost so) or has chronic skin problems, consider buying him a UV resistant shirt or a suit for the dog. T Alford, manager of companion animal outreach, who runs with his dog in Houston, said he spent most of the year trying to run in cooler mornings or evenings.

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6. Choose the best running place

"the best place to run with a dog is the grass, such as a park or a field," said Jacqueline Kasen, 1220 anatomy personal trainer. The grass is friendlier on their paws and cooler. " Or choose a quiet community with safe sidewalks and minimal disruption, although you need to pay more attention to hot or rough roads. Remember pests and predators, too. " "Make sure your pet has been tested for heart disease and is taking preventive drugs," said veterinarian Jeffrey levy. If you are not on the road, use topical flea and lice repellents. " Also notice snakes: if snakes are common in your area, study a training program to teach your dog to avoid them.

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7. Jackie Palmer, an endurance athlete at milestone sports, says that if your dog is just starting to run, start with a sprint. " Start with a one mile warm-up run, cycle back home, where you can drop your dog and go out and finish your run. " Gradually increase the weekly cycle until your dog can join your entire run. However, running together for the first time can be a bit of a hassle. " "While your dog may know you're running, he may not know it's for exercise and company," said Alford, an animal awareness educator. Careful handling of your dog's leash, he says, ensures that the dog stays with you and reduces the urge to run away.

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8. "If your dog doesn't seem willing to continue or want to rest, don't force it to continue," veterinarian Rachel Baroque said. Make sure that he is always cut off from water and has time to cool down. " "NoteThe gums of Italian dogs, make sure they are pink and moist, "said Robert Cabral of boundangels, an organization that helps animal shelters. Dehydration is a common dog injury and is often overlooked. "If you're running with heavy brushes or burrs, talk to your beautician about how best to take care of his coat," says Gillian Ridgeway, a pet health expert. Cheer on for increased activity. " It's best to give him a diet that's made for active or performance dogs, "says Ridgway.


9. It should be fun to run with a dog! " "It's always good to stop along the way and let your dog smell and have a drink," said Gillian Ridgeway, a pet health expert. Or bring something to reward him, says Jacqueline Kasen, a personal trainer. Maybe you can try to run to the dog park and let your dog play with other dogs there for a while. Carson suggests, or bring a tennis ball, to let your dog play while running. You and your dog may also find it fun to stop occasionally and sprint together, just like a chase game. Are you running with your dog? Or do you know anyone running with a dog? Do you think running with your dog is a benefit and motivation? Or do you think it's more like a hindrance or interference? If you often run with your dog, what advice would you give to people who are considering trying? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


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